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Monday, April 30, 2012

DBConsole Shows Listener and Database Down If Not Using Default Values

Oracle Database 10g dbconsole is configured for default port usage and default listener name.
(Port=1521, listener name is LSTENER)
If database uses different port number and listener name, everything will shown down in dbconsole.

To solve this issue action plan is below.

  1. emcl stop dbconsole
  2. Change related parts of mentioned files 
    1. $ORACLE_HOME/hostname_SID/sysman/config/
    2. $ORACLE_HOME/hostname_SID/sysman/emd/targets.xml
  3. emctl start dbconsole

How To Determine Running Linux is Vmware or not

There are several ways to determine that running system is vmware or not. 
  1. dmidecode -s system-manufacturer
  2. view  /sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor
  3. lspci | grep -i vmware
  4. grep -i vmware /proc/scsi/scsi /proc/ide/*/model
  5. dmesg |grep Vmware
  6. rpm -qa | grep -i vmware

Change Date and Time in Linux

To change date and time in Linux use command below

date -s "MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MM:SS"

Example : To set 20 November 2011 Hour 11:25:23 AM
date -s "11/20/2011 11:25:23"

Kill Spesific User Process in Linux

To kill spesific user's all process use command below

kill -9 `ps -ef | grep <osuser> | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`

replace <osuser> with related user name, example oracle, applora etc.

Change Apps Password For Oracle EBS 11i and R12 with FNDCPASS

Oracle E-Business Suite provides a command line utility called FNDCPASS to change passwords.
4 mode is avaliable for FNDCPASS, details below
Note: To use this command line utility set application enviroment file (for example APPSORA.env)

  1. SYSTEM ==> To change the APPS and APPLSYS schema password
  2. ORACLE ==> To change single Application Schema password (other than APPS/APPLSYS) 
  3. ALLORACLE === To change all ORACLE schema passwords
  4. USER ==> To change Oracle Applications user password

1. Usage: FNDCPASS <logon> 0 Y <system/password> SYSTEM <username> <new_password>
    Example:  FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS WELCOME
    Note:  Passwords for APPLSYS and the APPS schemas must be the same.
              If you change the password for one, FNDCPASS automatically changes the others.
             Change password for APPS and APPLSYS when concurrent manager is down.
    After changing APPLSYS and APPS password in 11i should change hardcoded password manually in file under $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cfg. Also recommend to run autoconfig
Also there are some files to modify listed below but for new versions of 11.5.x is not necessary

  • $FND_TOP/resource/wfmail.cfg
  • $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/<context_name>/
  • $AD_TOP/admin/template/CGIcmd.dat
  • $OA_HTML/bin/appsweb.cfg
2. Usage: FNDCPASS <logon> 0 Y <system/password> ORACLE <username> <new_password>

     Example: FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE AP passwd1

3. Usage: FNDCPASS <logon> 0 Y <system/password> ALLORACLE <new_password>
    Example: FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ALLORACLE WELCOME
    Note: Usernames must appear in the FND_USER or FND_ORACLE_USERID tables.
             FNDCPASS utility and ALLORACLE functionality was designed for applications users/schemas.
             Other users passwords must be manually changed(Examle: ABM,CSS,DBSNMP,EVM,SYS,etc.)

4. Usage: FNDCPASS <logon> 0 Y <system/password> USER <username> <new_password>
    Example : FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER SYSADMIN WELCOME

Oracle Support Document ID :  437260.1 , 1306938.1